N-Back Working Memory Task

The N-Back task is a cognitive test designed to measure a person's working memory, attention, and cognitive flexibility. In this N-Back example, you will respond to a sequence of letters and identify if the current letter matches the one shown 2 or 3 trials ago. This task is commonly used to assess and train cognitive functions related to attention, memory, and executive control.

N-back Task

In this N-Back example, you will see a sequence of letters. Only respond if the letter you see matches the one you saw 2 trials ago.

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About the N-Back Task

The N-Back task is a test of working memory, where participants must remember and recognize whether the current stimulus (e.g., a letter) matches the one presented "N" trials ago. For instance, in a 2-back task, users will respond if the letter they see now matches the one shown 2 trials earlier. This task helps assess attention, memory, and cognitive flexibility.

How does this N-Back example task work?

During each trial, a letter appears on the screen. You need to decide whether this letter matches the letter shown 2 trials before. If it matches, click the "Match" button. Otherwise, click "No Match". Each correct answer will give you feedback, and if sound is enabled, you'll hear a confirmation sound for correct responses.

What qualities does this N-Back example task test?

The N-Back task tests working memory, attention, and executive control. It requires sustained focus and is often used to assess and train cognitive skills. Regular practice on tasks like N-Back can improve concentration, memory retention, and even help enhance multitasking abilities.

Does practicing the N-Back task improve cognitive function?

Studies suggest that regularly practicing N-Back tasks can improve working memory and attention. It is widely used in cognitive training programs as a tool to help increase cognitive resilience and adaptability.