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Dr. Todd Kashdan is a leading expert on the psychology of well-being, curiosity, mental flexibility, and social relationships.

We are dedicated to creating products that balance happiness and well-being, and inspire positive energy.


For additional psychology resources similar to this one, here are some recommended items based on your interests.

Dr. Paul Wong's blog | Psychologist, Researcher, and Speaker
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Dr. Paul Wong's blog | Psychologist, Researcher, and Speaker

Dr. Wong is the Founding President of the Meaning-Centered Counselling Institute, Inc. (MCCI) and the originator of meaning-centered counselling and therapy (MCCT), an integrative existential positive psychotherapy. As the Founding Director of the Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology at Trinity Western University, he has trained many counsellors and psychotherapists in applied behavioural analysis and therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, existential therapy, and cross-cultural counselling. As a registered clinical psychologist in Ontario for over 40 years, he has very broad experience in working with various kinds of behavioural and psychological problems. He has served on federal government agencies, including the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Washington, DC (1981-1986) and the National Advisory Council on Aging for the Canadian Minister of Health in Ottawa, ON (1994-1997).

Inspired Life Change and the Warrior Within
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Inspired Life Change and the Warrior Within

There are two kinds of life change to be had - one linear, the other spiral. Following a straight line - life unfolds as a succession of 'before' and 'after' - your sight fixed mainly ahead or behind.

Dr. Joseph H. Hammer - Tenured Associate Professor and HAMMER Lab Director at University of Kentucky | Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology
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Dr. Joseph H. Hammer - Tenured Associate Professor and HAMMER Lab Director at University of Kentucky | Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology

Dr. Joseph H. Hammer is a tenured Associate Professor of counseling psychology at the University of Kentucky's Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology (EDP). He is a Licensed Psychologist in Kentucky and leads the HAMMER Lab. With a Bachelor’s in Psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, a Master’s in Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri, and a PhD from Iowa State University, Dr. Hammer is dedicated to research, teaching, mentoring, and community service. Connect with him through his various profiles and learn more about his research interests and mentoring style through his YouTube Channel and faculty profile.