موارد علم النفس - اكتشف أفضل أدوات علم النفس لعام 2024
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Peggy Kern's website | Centre for Wellbeing Science | The University of Melbourne.
I am an associate professor at the Centre for Wellbeing Science within the University of Melbourne's Graduate School of Education. My research draws on multiple fields of inquiry, including health, positive, social, personality, and developmental psychology, and public health to address the question of thriving across the lifespan. I focus on understanding, measuring, and supporting wellbeing across the lifespan. I work with schools and workplaces to examine strategies for supporting wellbeing, and bridging gaps between research and practice.I have published 3 books, over 100 peer-reviewed articles and chapters, and the new, freely available Palgrave Handbook of Positive Education. I have published 3 books, over 100 peer-reviewed articles and chapters, and the new, freely available Palgrave Handbook of Positive Education.
Strengths-Based Resilience
Strengths-Based Resilience offers courses and resources on building resilience and mental toughness to help individuals cope with challenges and stress.
The Skill Collective
The Skill Collective offers a range of services to help you bounce back, achieve, and grow in life. Our team of psychologists can assist you in building skills to cope with anxiety, depression, stress, and burnout, adjust to life changes, boost performance, manage health issues, and build better relationships.
jMetrik Download - Open Source Psychometric Software
Discover jMetrik, the free and open-source psychometric software that runs on Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux platforms. Experience intuitive interfaces, advanced psychometric methods, and an embedded database for efficient data management in your research.
Psychology Software Tools - Innovating Research Solutions - Psychology Software Tools
Psychology Software Tools offers a suite of software and hardware solutions for behavioral research, including E-Prime, fMRI systems, and MRI simulation training, setting the standard for innovation in psychological and neurological research.
Modern Health: Mental Health Care Designed For Your Workforce
Modern Health, the personalized employee mental health care platform for enterprises around the globe, delivers evidence-based, equitable mental health services worldwide — from self-guided tools to crisis care — ensuring members have the right support wherever they’re located.
LeapLife - Journal App For Mental Health
Journal app for instant mood boosts and personal growth. Improve your mental health today by journaling and chatting with our AI
USCDornsife Department of Psychology
Located in the heart of Los Angeles, the University of Southern California Department of Psychology has among its faculty internationally recognized scholars and one of the most diverse student populations in the United States. Our faculty and students are engaged in groundbreaking studies, investigating basic theoretical questions and bringing their work to bear on some of society's most pressing needs. The department offers graduate training in five areas: Brain & Cognitive Science, Clinical Science, Developmental Psychology, Quantitative Methods and Computational Psychology, and Social Psychology.
Gemini - Supercharge Your Creativity with Google AI
Discover Gemini, Google's cutting-edge AI platform designed to enhance your creativity and productivity. Engage in writing, planning, learning, and more with our advanced AI capabilities.
The A11Y Project
The A11Y Project is a comprehensive resource for learning and implementing web accessibility. It provides a range of tools, guides, and community resources to help developers and designers create accessible websites and applications. The project aims to make the web more inclusive by promoting best practices in accessibility.
Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart's profound, yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. His teachings focus on the significance and power of Presence, the awakened state of consciousness, which transcends ego and discursive thinking. Eckhart sees this awakening as the essential next step in human evolution.
عرب سايكلوجي - كتب ، مقالات و دورات تدريبية
عرب سايكلوجي هو موقع يوفر كتبًا ومقالات ودورات تدريبية في علم النفس، يهدف إلى مساعدة المتحدثين باللغة العربية على فهم وتعلم علم النفس بشكل أفضل. يغطي الموقع جوانب مختلفة من علم النفس، بما في ذلك النظريات الأساسية، طرق البحث، والتطبيقات السريرية.